Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer Media

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The company that I have chosen to represent my media product, a music magazine aimed at young adult girls aged 16-25 and who like acoustic/alternative/rock music are, Bauer media. As you can see above they have a very successful market, selling over 300 different magazines in 15 different countries, ranging from Heat magazine to Classic Cars. One type of magazine they don't sell however is a women's music magazine. I have the perfect oppertunity here to fill the gap in their portfolio with my magazine, 6 Strings.
Music magazines incorporated with Bauer go further than just the magazine. Music is consumed through tv, interenet and radio to name a few. Magazines owned by Bauer media have their own radio stations, tv music channels and websites as well as website advertisements. This would really benefit my magazine as my target audience consume the most media and would hear about my magazine in no time. This is why Bauer media would be great to represent my magazine as they are a multi - platform media group and can offer me connections through tv, radio and the internet. An example of a successful tv channel, built from Kerrang! is the Kerrang music channel. The target audience they represent are men aged13-35 who like all rock genres. This is the same genre as my magazine however, targets a different gender. Here is the perfect gap for my magazine and Kerrang! is proof it would be successful.
Bauers music channels have a monthly combined reach of 15.9 million viewers, 5.8 viewers of which are aged 16-34. This is a very large amount and as my target age is included in that, I feel that I would bring more success to Bauer media as my target audience consume alot of media. They would read my magazine, hear about the website and music channel and go to both and so on like a cycle. This would be successful for the company. They also distribute alot of magazines to girls, so girls are aware of their magazines and will notice if there is a new one on the market. It also means that Bauer know the best way to attract a girl audience.
In conclusion I feel that Bauer media are the right media institution to represent my music magazine, 6 Strings.  This is because they already have a large female market, but in that market is a gap in their portfolio as they don't have a girls music magazine. I however can fill this gap with my magazine and provide success for the company through the use of extended media. For example tv, radio and internet. I feel it's the best company and knows my audiece well, and the best way to connect with them.

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