Thursday 29 September 2011

Terminology Associated with Magazine Design

In magazine design, lots of different types of terminolgy is used. The terminology is thought about carefully to appeal to the right audience and to make the magazine suitable to itself. As well as having the common properties of a magazine. Here are a few examples of terminolgy used.
  • Barcodes - They are used to give the magazine an individual number and to keep track of whether it's been purchased, all magazines have to have a barcode to be bought.
  • Puff - These are coloured shapes with text usually inside of them. They are put on the front cover of a magazine and the design of them usually depends on the target market.
  • Font- Font is different styles of writing that can be used in magazine design.
  • Typeography - The style and appearance of the text.
  • Style - The style of wrting used. This can be informal/formal e.t.c
  • Target Audience - This is who the magazine is aimed at and affect the magazine design.
  • Puns - They are used on the front of magazines to draw the readers in by making a joke with different meanings of a word
  • Informal/Formal - Depending on the target audience, this is the type of language used that is suitable. This is decided on during magazine design.
  • Sans serif - These are typefaces which don't use small lines at the end of letters.
  • Serif - These are typefaces which do use small lines at the end of letters.
  • Headline Font - Font used for headlines which can be used for headlines only.
  • Bodytext Font - The font used for smaller sub tex.
  • Drop Cap - When the first letter of a paragraph is bigger.
  • Rhetorical Questions - They are questions that are not made to answer but to make you think. They are used in magazine design to draw readers in.
  • Coverline - Information about a major article given on the front page of a magazine.
  • Tagline - The slogan of the magazine
These are fifteen of many different terminology uses in magazine design.

Monday 26 September 2011

My First Page

We were each given a camera to go outside and take pictures of the area surrounding the college. After doing this we took the photos from the memory card and uploaded them onto our desktop. We opened up the programme In Design and named the page 'My First Page'. I then created a box where I could place the pictures I'd taken into. To do this i had to select Elipse Frame Tool then made a box, then went to File, Place then selected the picture I wanted. To fit the whole image into the box i had to select Object, Fitting and Fill Frame Proportionally to do so. Afterwards i could experiment with sizes and also cut corners from the picture. You can also make the shape of the box different. I was very new to this software and wasn't confident but after experimenting I gained more confidence.

Monday 19 September 2011

Getting to know Blogger

What can I do with Blogger?

  • With blogger I can post text, photos and videos.
  • You can post information to your blog for free with your free website.
  • There are many different templates available for your blog so it suits the theme or makes it personal to you.
  • You can gain followers who read your blog and you can follow other blogs.
  • People can comment on your posts, giving you feedback.
  • People can subscribe to your blog meaning they are notified when you create a new post.
  • You can create links to lead to another webpage away from your blog such as a link called 'About this blog'
How do I think blogger will be useful for my coursework?

  • I can post my work easily onto my blog making it easier to look back on as it will all be in  the same area.
  • I can show my ideas and make progress with them whilst showing people the progress I'm making.
  • People can comment on each post, giving me feedback and ideas for later work I will be posting.
  • My work will be kept safe.
  • Using different templates and text I can create a look for my blog that is like my blog posts.
  • I can access my work from any computer with internet.