Monday 21 November 2011

Masthead Ideas

I decided that I wanted the title of my college magazine to be 'South Downs Speaks'. Now that this was decided I had to think of a masthead design. I wanted it to stand out on the page, so that means a clear easy to read font and clear colours. Thinking of colours, I wanted them to be bright but also suit South Downs personality, so I firstly decided the colours I wanted were blue and green which are the college colours. I started creating different variations of the title using these colours and experimenting with different fonts on the programme InDesign. Below I narrowed it down to four designs I liked the most.
To make my final design I went around my class taking a tally on which masthead they liked the most. Here are the results:

Masthead 1: 6 people voted
Masthead 2: 1 person voted
Masthead 3: 2 people voted
Masthead 4: 1 person voted

From the results Masthead 1 was the most popular so I will use that one, I also think it is a good design, the font is clear and the colour is bright and easily catches the eye.

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