Thursday 20 October 2011

Conventions of magazines aimes at teenage girls.

Above are five magazine covers that are all aimed at teenage girls. From looking at these covers and considering they are all aimed at the same target audience, you notice certain conventions that are familiar in all.
The first thing you notice that is a recurring convention is the main picture in the middle of the page that your eyes are first drawn to. They are all celebrities such as Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. These celebrities have been particularly chosen to feature in the magazine because they are popular with teenage girls. This makes it more likely the target audience will buy the magazine.  Although the majority of celebrities on the front cover have adult lives which might change teenage girls attitude towards them, on these front covers they all appear innocent and like the girls they are appealing to through the clothes their wearing to the facial expressions they have.
The next convention that would appeal to the target audience is the colour used for any text whether it’s the magazine title or bodytext. The main colours used are different shades of pink, purple and blue on the majority of the covers and other colours in smaller dosages such as orange and peach which are still used with the other colours. These colours have been used because they are stereotypically ‘girly’ which usually is true. So, by using these colours you are more likely to attract a teenage girl audience because you’re using colours they like.
Also on each magazine cover the titles of articles are all in big font, and use puns all to draw the target audience in. Also the names of the articles all have similar themes. For example, ‘382 ways to be irresistible!’ ’21 Celeb Style Secrets’ and ’63 things you need to know about your boobs’. These subjects are what teenage girls are typically interested in; attracting boys, dressing in the latest fashions and having the ‘perfect body’. So by having these articles within the magazine and making sure the target audience read the title on the front cover they are more likely to get teenage girl buyers.
In conclusion I think the five magazine covers I’ve looked at and probably more all have similar conventions when it comes to ways the magazine companies attract their target market, which here is teenage girls.

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