Monday 31 October 2011


I have looked at my initial idea and now I'm gathering my ideas in a proposal for my student magazine. I have thought of the important areas I need to think about.

Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically? I will be aiming my  magazine at students aged between 16-18, both male and female who attend South Downs College.

What will your magazine be about?
My magazine will be about different things going on in the college and will provide lots of information on things like latest news, events, sport, social scene at college, achievements and other features you'd expect to see in a college magazine.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
My ideas for the cover line is that they will be in a clear font yet not to boring, I think it will be a black font as the rest of the magazine will be colourful and bright so I don't want it to look to busy and unable to read.

What title have you decided on and why?
I have chosen the title South Downs Speaks. This is because it's quite catchy and the magazine is about South Downs so using the word 'speaks' suits quite well. Also the use of alliteration makes it stand out.

What font's do you want to use?
I'd like to use quite simple fonts because I feel it looks more effective and it's much clearer than a complicated font which is to fancy and you can't actually read. Something like Arial or Comic Sans would be a good font to use and then for the title I might use something a bit more interesting.

What are your ideas for tag lines?
Personally I don't want to use a tagline because I feel it's not a massively important aspect to a magazine. I find them a bit to cheesy sometimes and I don't want my magazine to feel like that so I probably won't have a tagline.

When in the year will it be published?
I think I would have the magazine published every term so autumn term, winter term, spring term then summer term. This way the magazine can be appropriate to different times of the year for example the summer edition would focus on exam information.

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
I think I will use and image of two or three students, boys and girls, and have them look like they are having a good time with the backdrop of a college area such as a cafe or library. To get this image I will ask my friends if I can use them as models for my front cover and use a college camera to take the picture.

How frequently would it be published?
I would have the magazine published every term so that would be four times a year.

What are the dimensions of the cover?
I think my magazine will be a normal A4 size like many magazines you get nowadays. 

What images/colour would you use on the contents page?
On the contents page I would use blue and green colours for the font as they are the college colours and have a simple white background. I would have a smaller image faded into the background of students at the college so there is more focus on the actual contents.

Now I have created a proposal I am clearer on my ideas and what I want my magazine to be like. I can now start thinking about starting the process of making my magazine, firstly by creating a flat plan.

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