Sunday 9 October 2011

500 Word Analysis on Nylon Magazine Cover

Above is an image of the front cover of a recent copy of Nylon Magazine. It's a fashion magazine with focuses also to music, TV, film, and celebrities. The target market for this magazine would be girls aged between 14 and 25 interested in fashion and the other features in the magazine.
The cover design has helped appeal to this audience in many ways. The first thing that I find would attract the intended audience is the use of a picture of Christina Ricci on the centre of the page, which is the first thing your eyes are drawn to. She is an actress who would've appeared in films and TV shows that the target audience would've watched so they would buy it because their interested in her life. Also the text colour is very appealing to girls. The pastel pink and blue shades complement each other and create a girly look to the cover appealing further to the target market as colours like that are usually associated with girls. Another way the designers have tried to attract customers is by making the titles of articles stand out in black lettering so they draw in the eye of the reader and in that title the words have to attract the buyer. Also words are bigger when they are more important for example the numbers '182' are enlarged because the number is big and the magazine is offering a  large number of fashion looks so a girl would be attracted to this as they like being given style advice. The white background makes it easier for the light coloured words to be read giving a clearer picture and making it easier for someone to take in the magazine without having to read too far into it to get the idea. When a girl buys a magazine she wants to find it fast so to make sure that Nylon magazine stands out they have to make it easy to read.
Other terminology used that you would find in most magazines is a tagline, cover line, informal text style and a barcode which aren’t necessarily used in magazine design to attract the target audience as much as others. They are more used because that’s part of the front cover of a magazine.
The text style is in serif so it looks simple and contemporary, as style which you would use on a magazine aimed at 14-25 as it sets the tone as not being too serious.
Overall I think that Nylon magazine have designed the front cover well in order to appeal to and gain to the target market of girls aged between 14 and 25. It has been achieved through pictures, celebrity features, text, titles and colour and all have been carefully selected to gain buyers from the target market.

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