Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have come a long way in the process of my preliminary task to creating my media product of a music magazine. I feel I have learnt a lot about the different skills included in creating a successful product. Skills including technology use, researching and knowing your target audience and also knowing the product you’re trying to put across.
The first way I have developed my knowledge is through the use of technology. When I first started using software such as InDesign and Photoshop I was very unsure on what I was doing. My skills were very amateur.  My student magazine is very simple and doesn’t include any techniques that take it that one step further. I progressed much further when it came to making my music magazine on InDesign. I extended my skills. Not only did I know how to add pictures, create a mast head and add cover lines, I now also knew how to warp text, add columns, change colours of background and text and many other skills. This I feel made my second product of the music magazine much better and sellable as it looked much more like a real product, rather than an amateur front cover of a student magazine.

I progressed my research much further from the preliminary task to my music magazine. For my student magazine, which was aimed at boys and girls at college, I feel I didn’t do enough research into what they wanted from a magazine as their opinion was most important. Things that were important were attractive to the audience were pictures, cover lines, colour etc. Although I feel that I picked these things to suit my audience I think that maybe if I had carried out research into what my audience wanted I could’ve created something better. I learnt from this when it came to making my music magazine. From knowing who my target audience were (girls aged 16-25 with the preferred music genre of alternative/acoustic/rock music) I made sure I carried out lots of research from questionnaires to buyer profiles to really find out the best way to design and make my magazine so it was attractive to the audience. I progressed also in the way my research was actually presented by creating an online questionnaire and making Prezi’s. This research really made my decisions easier when making my magazine.

When creating my student magazine I wasn’t really sure of what a magazine included. I carried out simple research but not enough and not specific enough to get the most understanding to make my student magazine as good as it could be. I learnt from this and in the process of making my music magazine I progressed my research into conventions of magazines and also into media institutions to learn more about the media world. I presented this research effectively on Prezi and it helped choose the context of my magazine.

In conclusion I feel I have made a lot of progress from the preliminary task to the production of my music magazine. I feel I have done this in many ways including learning more about technologies, understanding conventions of magazines and also really dissecting my target audience to understand what they want. I feel the second time round my product was much better and the research leading up to it was more valuable and helpful. I feel in the future if doing this again I could make even more progress as I have learnt so much on the way.

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the production of my music magazine, I learnt a lot about different technologies. The choices I made using these different technologies, defined the outcome of my magazine and how well it was made, considering everything in mind. Not only did I use technology to actually produce and make my magazine, but I also used internet programmes to make my research easier to present.
 Throughout the whole magazine industry technology is used to design and produce it. This means that to make my magazine I had to also use different technologies. I got a simple grasp of these technologies during the skills audit, but I feel I developed my knowledge on them through the making of my magazine.
Apple Macs-I was using a Mac for the first time and in the beginning I struggled to get used to not using a normal PC. I soon begun to understand that certain things you carried out on a PC were done differently on a PC. For example if I wanted to take a screen shot I would have to use the grabber tool or if I wanted to copy I would have to press the apple+C key. Once I begun to adapt to these simple changes it made things run much quicker. When it comes to using software on the macs to create the magazine, macs make everything simpler as there are many keys you can simply press and things happen on the software, rather than having to do it yourself.

InDesign-This technology became the one I used the most to create my magazine. At first I was completely lost and had no idea what to do. I was thrown by all the different options and words. But every time I wanted to do something I asked and then begun to remember how to do it until eventually I had the basics mastered and could confidently make my magazine. I learnt on this technology how to place a picture, add text, add different shapes, add colour, create columns, warp text, and add different colours. I discovered that you could create anything you wanted and present it, making it easy to make an individual magazine page. All these things helped me to create my actual magazine including the front cover, double page spread and contents page and as it was saved as an image it was easy to upload to blogger.

Photoshop-All the different things you could do on Photoshop threw me a bit, even though I had previous practice with it during the skills audit task. I had the photos ready to edit and I only knew how to place them in the screen and resize them. I did a practise run with some soundboard photographs I had taken and learnt how to add different effects to them such as brushing and sepia. I also discovered how to change lighting in the pictures by adjusting the brightness and contrast. This really helped in making the images I used for my final magazine really achieve their full potential. I also discovered how to delete areas of the image I didn’t want. For example I had an image of a girl and I only wanted to use her silhouette, not the background she was in. I simply outlined the girl’s body and kept this whilst discarding the rest of the image. You can then save this as a separate image to carry on with or use on InDesign.

Blogger-From the previous task I felt quite confident with the different things you could do with blogger and what you could apply to your post. One thing I did learn though through my research part of making the magazine was how to add a HTML of for example, a slideshow from Slide share. This meant that the slideshow was now part of my blog post and could be viewed straight from the post.

There are also different internet technologies I learnt about during the process of constructing my magazine.

Prezi- This is an online zooming slideshow where you can write text, add pictures, add shapes and many more other features. It’s like creating a slide show but instead of different pages, you create it on one big page then make a path for it to follow as you watch. It also zooms in at each point for clearer reading. I found Prezi a really useful and effective way of presenting my research. It was really quick and easy to create and there are even tutorials to follow if you are struggling.

Slide share-With a slide share account I could upload previous power points I had made on Microsoft Power point. This enabled me to post these slide shows to my blog, a really good way of presenting research. It was really quick and easy to upload the slide shows and I feel I have learnt of a useful technology here.

Overall these technologies were the key players in the overall outcome of my magazine which I eventually created on InDesign. InDesign is where I got to experiment with lots of design ideas and is useful because it’s quick, making it effective and I can see all the best possible choices in regards to my magazine design, a very important element.

In conclusion I feel I have learnt a lot about different technologies and it has really helped make my magazine as good as it could possibly be. These technologies benefitted not only my final outcome, but also the research that helped my final outcome. I would feel confident if I had to do this all again and I would know how to use everything.

Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Buyer Profile

Name: Lily
Age:  17
Gender: Female
Nationality: British
City: Portsmouth
Favourite Bands/Artists: Laura Marling, The Vaccines, The Black Keys,
Arctic Monkeys,
Top 5 played songs on iPod:
1-Don’t Look Back in Anger-Oasis
2-Off to the Races-Lana Del Rey
3-Piledriver Waltz-Arctic Monkeys
4-Goodbye Kiss-Kasabian
5-Wetsuit-The Vaccines
Hobbies: My hobbies are having fun! Going out with friends and I love shopping! I also play guitar.
What’s your favourite magazine in general: Company
How much would you spend on a magazine: Between £2 and £4
How often do you buy music magazines: Monthly
What do you look for in a music magazine: Features with my favourite artists as well as focus on up and coming music. I also like to hear about the behind the scenes goings on with my favourite people to listen to.
Where do you hear first about new music: Radio, music channels (Kerrang, MTV music) and magazines
Where do you listen to music: You tube, iPod, Radio
What social networks are you joined with: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr
How do you consume media: I consume music from the moment I wake up I put my radio on. Then I listen to my IPod on the bus to college. Until I get home I won’t consume media, apart from when I check Facebook and twitter on my phone.  Through twitter I can follow my favourite artists and see what they are doing. When I get home I go on the internet and read my favourite fashion blogs whilst listening to the music channels in the background. I’ll also listen to songs on YouTube that throughout the day have been suggested to me by friends. Also if I’m ever in the car I listen to the Radio. I’m constantly consuming media especially musically.

Buyer Profile

Buyer Profile
Name: Ella
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: British
City: London
Favourite Bands/Artist: Florence and the Machine,
Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, Ed Sheeran, Crystal
Top 5 songs played on iPod:
1-Crystal Castles-Not in Love
2-Florence and the Machine-All this and heaven too
3-Purity Ring-Lofticries
4-The XX-VCR
5-Brick by Brick-Arctic Monkeys
Hobbies: My hobbies include going to gigs most weekends, especially ones of local bands as I like new music, going out with friends, making music and singing with my guitar!
What’s your favourite magazine in general: Wonderland
How much would you spend on a magazine: Usually between £3 and £4
How often do you buy music magazines: Monthly
What do you look for in a music magazine: Lots of focus and maybe a monthly feature on up and coming artists as I like that they are given an opportunity to be read about and I love new music. Also stuff to do with the music I like is what I look for.
Where do you hear first about new music: I hear through my friends as we all have the same music taste, also the radio and music blogs I follow
Where do you listen to music: iPod, Radio, Gigs, You Tube
What social networks are you joined with: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr
How do you consume media: On a day to day basis I consume a lot of media. I like to check music blogs on my phone in the mornings on the way to university whilst also listening to my iPod. Once I get to uni I check my facebook and twitter feeds. Then when I get home I listen to my radio looking out for new stuff, then I’ll download it as well as songs I’ve seen mentioned on blogs . On the way to a gig I will listen to music again on my iPod then once I arrive I obviously listen to the music. I usually end  a night watching television for about an hour.

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer Media

Click to englarge

The company that I have chosen to represent my media product, a music magazine aimed at young adult girls aged 16-25 and who like acoustic/alternative/rock music are, Bauer media. As you can see above they have a very successful market, selling over 300 different magazines in 15 different countries, ranging from Heat magazine to Classic Cars. One type of magazine they don't sell however is a women's music magazine. I have the perfect oppertunity here to fill the gap in their portfolio with my magazine, 6 Strings.
Music magazines incorporated with Bauer go further than just the magazine. Music is consumed through tv, interenet and radio to name a few. Magazines owned by Bauer media have their own radio stations, tv music channels and websites as well as website advertisements. This would really benefit my magazine as my target audience consume the most media and would hear about my magazine in no time. This is why Bauer media would be great to represent my magazine as they are a multi - platform media group and can offer me connections through tv, radio and the internet. An example of a successful tv channel, built from Kerrang! is the Kerrang music channel. The target audience they represent are men aged13-35 who like all rock genres. This is the same genre as my magazine however, targets a different gender. Here is the perfect gap for my magazine and Kerrang! is proof it would be successful.
Bauers music channels have a monthly combined reach of 15.9 million viewers, 5.8 viewers of which are aged 16-34. This is a very large amount and as my target age is included in that, I feel that I would bring more success to Bauer media as my target audience consume alot of media. They would read my magazine, hear about the website and music channel and go to both and so on like a cycle. This would be successful for the company. They also distribute alot of magazines to girls, so girls are aware of their magazines and will notice if there is a new one on the market. It also means that Bauer know the best way to attract a girl audience.
In conclusion I feel that Bauer media are the right media institution to represent my music magazine, 6 Strings.  This is because they already have a large female market, but in that market is a gap in their portfolio as they don't have a girls music magazine. I however can fill this gap with my magazine and provide success for the company through the use of extended media. For example tv, radio and internet. I feel it's the best company and knows my audiece well, and the best way to connect with them.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Photos for my music magazine

I have taken a selection of photos to choose from to use for my music magazine. I want the artist on my double page spread to be the person on the front cover as well so the photos will be from the same shoot so the image on the front portrays what the double page spread will be like. I wanted the feel of the photos to be quite eerie which is why I took them at night to play with the light and create this feel. The artist I am portraying is a female solo singer who is similar to Lana Del Ray in her music so I wanted the photos to show a personality similar to ones she would take. Here is the results below and I will later be choosing the final photos. These are unedited versions.

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Front cover flatplan

Contents flatplan

Double page spread flatplan

Monday 23 January 2012

Music Magazine Proposal

Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically?
I am aiming my magazine at girls aged from 16+. I want it to appeal to people who like rock/acoustic/alternative music. The feel of it is to be mature and not cheesy like some magazines you get nowadays which are to young for an audience of 16+ year olds.
What will your magazine be about
My magazine will obviously be about music but in particular bands and artists who’s genre is rock/alternative/acoustic. I want it to feature articles about up and coming bands, day in the life’s, success stories etc. Typical articles you would find in a magazine like NME or Q.
What are your ideas for cover lines?
I haven’t decided what the cover lines will be called but I know what I want them to be about. I have chosen new artist profiles, day in the life of a band, who is going to be big in 2012, new album review and tour review.
What title have you decide and why?
I haven’t decided on a title yet.
What fonts do you want to use?
I want to use simple fonts such as Arial and Calibri because they are easy to read making it easier to focus on things like what the text actually says, the pictures etc.
Ideas for taglines?
I haven’t decided on a tagline but I want to make sure it’s catchy without being cheesy.
When will it be published?
It will be a monthly magazine.
What will the cover image be?
It will be an image of a girl who will be perceived as very popular to my target audience.
How much will it sell for?
It will be a monthly magazine so will be thicker than say a weekly so because of this it will be between £2-£3 which I think is an affordable price to pay once a month.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Target Audience Research

I decided I wanted to get to know the target audience I was aiming at and really find out what they wanted from a music magazine so I can make mine as good as possible and for people to actually want to read it. To carry out my research I wrote a questionaire on to send to girls I knew who had recently attended an Arctic Monkeys gig. I chose this gig as they cover the genre I am covering in my magazine, so the people I'm asking have to have an interest in this music to gain the best results. I sent it to ten girls. From my market research I can help write my proposal, create flatplans and begin to make my magazine. Below is a link to a copy of the questionaire and the results.

Free Online Surveys

Artists and bands such as Arctic Monkeys. Laura Marling, The Vaccines and Bon Iver were most popular to come up. This is good as they are all part of the genre I want my magazine to be.
Things they wanted to read about that often came up were features on new artists or bands, behind the scenes gossip and oppertunities to win prizes.
80% of girls would pay £2.50-£3.50 for their monthly music magazine, 20% would pay $4+.
Almost all of the girls often attended gigs or festivals.

This research has reallt been helpful. I can now decide on a price for my magazine that will be affordable and reasonable to my audience. Also I have ideas for diferent feautures and coverlines to have on my cover as well as bands/artists to involve.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Music Magazine Target Audience

Genre: Female
Age: 16+
Favorite bands/artists: Arctic Monkeys, The Vaccines, Lana Del Ray. Laura Marling, Ed Sheeran, The Big Pink, Crystal Castles.
Likes: Going out with friends, going to see live music, fashion
Dislikes: Fake artists and bands, bad music.
What they want in a music magazine: Good information on their favorite bands and artists, interviews, new music, tour dates, gig reviews. Lots to read, not a flimsy magazine, pictures, affordable.

Music Magazine Genre

I have decided that the genre of my magazine will be rock/alternative/acoustic. I want it to take inspiration from magazines like Q and NME, which feature artists of a similar genre. I have decided that I want it to be aimed at girls aged 16+ so my job is to think of artists and bands which will appeal to girls who like these genres of music. Bands and artists at the moment like this are people like Lana Del Ray, Ed Sheeran, Arctic Monkeys, The Vaccines, Laura Marling. These type of people are who I’m going to look at when creating my artists and bands.

Monday 16 January 2012

Experimenting with photoshop

I am starting to think about the images I would like on my magazine and will need quite a few. I thought I should take a few test pictures that I could possibly use and see what I can do with them on photoshop. Here is an example of a picture i took.

I didn't really think the photo was that good, you could see around the image so firstly I needed to crop these parts away so the focus was on the soundboard. This is the result.

Now the image has been cropped and the focus is on the soundboard I can experiment with different filters to make the image a bit more interesting. To do this you go to filter and select the effect you want. I chose filter>artistic>dry brush and this was the result.

It doesn't look that different but i think it makes the photo look that bit better than before. Experimenting with your pictures like this creates the nest possible pictures to make our magazine look good and professional.

Practising a double page spread.

Above is my first attempt at a double page spread. I wanted to practise it first before I created the real one with text, and different pictures to suit the magazine. I found it quite simple and picked up how to do different things quite easily and these easy things look effective. I made the spread simple at first with a headline and text using the text box tool then collums by using 
the collums and margins selection in the layout drop down menu and a picture using the rectangle image tool . I thought i could expand on this. 

In the picture below I have manipulated the spread. Firstly I inserted a second picture and used text wrapping so I could place it anywhere on the text and the text would make move for the picture. Secondly I inserted a text box in the bottom left hand margin and placed a page number, making sure it was an even number on the left hand side of the page. I will use these skills when creating my real double page spread and I feel confident doing so because they are so simple to do yet effective.